SCTRCA Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee of the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, Inc. will hold its Finance Committee meeting on Friday, March 10, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., (In–Person) at South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, San Antonio, TX 78230.
he Board will consider, discuss, and take
appropriate action regarding the following items, unless otherwise noted therein:
I. Call to Order
II. Citizens to be Heard
III. Finance Committee
A. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding Financial Reports for February
B. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding status of Federal filings for tax
years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
C. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding current service providers under
contract thru FY23
D. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding current and projected revenue
items, to include updated forecasting
E. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding current and projected expenditure
items, to include updated forecasting
F. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding office lease at 3201 Cherry Ridge
St. Ste. B–210 and potential future office sites.
G. Briefing, Discuss and Consideration regarding FY23 budget amendment(s)
IV. Future Business
V. Adjournment