SCTRCA Certification Guidelines Committee
The Certification Guidelines Committee of the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, Inc. will hold its Certification Guidelines Committee meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., at the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, In-Person Meeting (virtual option will be provided), 3201 Cherry Ridge St, Bldg. B Ste. 210, San Antonio, Texas 78230.
I. Call to Order
II. Citizens to be Heard
III. Discussion, Consideration, and Recommendations regarding the TXDOT
DBE Certification Discrepancy Report
IV. Discussion, Consideration, and Recommendations and action to address the
Staff Activity Report.
V. Discussion, Consideration, and Recommendations and action required to
address the Staffing requirements needed to meet all certification
VI. Discussion, Consideration, and Recommendations and action required to
review and address the Certification Audit Items
VII. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration, and Recommendations regarding
Certification Denials and Appeals
VIII. Briefing, Discussion, Consideration, and recommendations regarding the
proposed local certification program to be revised to be consistent with the
annual affidavit program represented in the Federal DBE Certification
IX. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration Business Enterprise Certification
X. Future Business
XI. Adjournment