Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors of the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, Inc. will hold its Regular Board meeting on Monday, April 24, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., at the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, In–Person Meeting, 3201 Cherry Ridge St, Bldg. B Ste. 210, San Antonio, Texas 78230.
The Board will consider, discuss, and take appropriate
action regarding the following items, unless otherwise noted therein:
I. Call to Order
II. Citizens to be Heard
III. Meeting Minutes
A. Review, Discussion and Consideration of the Minutes for December 12, 2022
B. Review, Discussion and Consideration of the Minutes for January 23, 2023
C. Review, Discussion and Consideration of the Minutes for January 27, 2023
D. Review, Discussion and Consideration of the Minutes for February 27, 2023
E. Review, Discussion and Consideration of the Minutes for March 27, 2023
IV. Finance Committee Report
A. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding member dues and letter of
support from Board to member entities
B. Briefing, Discussion and Consideration regarding office lease at 3201 Cherry
Ridge St. Ste. B–210 and potential future office sites.
V. Policy, Procedure & Personnel Committee Report
A. Briefing of Governance Policy Table of Contents
B. Briefing of Personnel Manual
VI. Executive Director’s Report
A. Certification Activity Report
B. Outreach Activity Report
VII. Board Chair’s Report
A. Briefing and Discussion of Information Request Received
B. Briefing and Discussion of Certification NAICS Discrepancy Concerns
VIII. Future Business and Announcement
IX. Adjournment